
The concept and principals

The concept

Observations – to discover which sensitive period is present and offer the correct activity to support that.

Prepare the correct stimulating environment

The change of teaching – passive teacher, active child

The work of teacher – Own preparation, patience and absolute knowledge to help when it’s the right time. Never interfere into child’s chosen activity when unnecessary. Empathy.

Freedom and responsibility – respecting mz environment, be kind and help others.

The detail of the process.

Montessori material – Allows the child to discover the mistake.

Harmony with adults – Healthy social skills.



Absorbant mind – Working with the family, importance of the outside world, every day behaviour, forming own expectations, habits and traditions, celebrations, but also the feelings of storm, moods, sadness, happiness, arguments, healing etc. All children absorb that.

The sensitive period – The child is sensitive to some facts and ignores others.

The freedom of the child build in condition of the environment and harmony with others.  – The choice of an activity and the way of using it, lenght of work and teamwork.

Prepared environment – Bright, comfortable asking for work. Set up from left to right, top to bottom, from simple to most complex and from specific to abstract.

Own lesson – concentration/polarisation/personalities-the child is able to concentrate intensively to his work as he enjoys it

Three period lesson – 1:This is cube 2:Can you point at cube? 3:What is this?

Self check – self check material



The main aims and purpose of Montessori education

Help me do it by myself. Support me and prepare me for life in harmony.

Main philosophy

Children learn through their own creativity. Their own needs and concentration in order of their sensitive periods. First three years-absorbant mind, three to six-perfecting their senses and abilities by being able to choose.



The importance of:

  • Prepared environment
  • Finding the real nature of the child
  • Non-judgemental grown up

Real activity instead of play

Materials in correct size



No rewards, punishment, comparison


Silence and peace

Concentrating on the joy of silence and making of peace


The authority of the teacher is updone by child´s natural own authority within himself.




Mixed ages

The ability to build relationships and social skills.




Practical life

  • self care
  • care of the environment


Learning through all senses





Cultural and science

biology, botanical, zoology, geography..








The teacher observe the child and his development, carefully chooses the correct activities and writes down the progress throughout the whole school year. The teacher plans the next steps to support the child’s interest and in first month works on child’s complex diagnostics and profile of the child. The teacher works closely with the parents and seeks feedback.

Evropská unie
Evropská unie Evropská unie