Kindergarten is attended by children from 2.5 to 7 years. School operation from 7 to 18:00.
The kindergarten is fully equipped for teaching in the Marie Montessori system. The children are looked after by qualified teachers who have pedagogical education and also courses for Montessori education.
In the class is mixed age, which is based on the principles of Montessori pedagogy. Younger children have the opportunity to learn from older children. The elderly have the opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge by helping the younger
Children are in a bilingual environment. Czech and English are equally represented in the classroom. Children thus get used to a different language than their native language.
The teacher in the classroom acts more as an observer, advisor, guide. The classroom environment is prepared daily so that each child can choose an activity that is close to them at the moment. The teacher keeps a close eye on the children, writing down everything so that he or she can help each child individually to choose the activity best suited to their current level of development.
In Montessori pedagogy, great emphasis is placed on the so-called “sensitive periods” when the child is the easiest to learn, or rather “absorbs”. In the case of language acquisition, this period occurs around the second year and lasts until approximately 7 years of age of the child.
The environment is designed to allow the child to explore and learn independently without outside help. If the acquisition of skill is broken down into such small steps that a child can take without the help of an adult, then it does not need a long interpretation but is able to reach the goal independently.
The external environment must not be chaotic in its arrangement, especially for small children, as too many incentives make orientation difficult. All tasks should be prepared in such a way that the child can perform them on their own. The continuity of tasks and exercises and the organization of subjects help the child in finding solutions. Then there is no need for the teacher to explain and teach. Allows the child to reach the goal independently.
Space is differentiated into: practical life, sensory material, mathematics, language space education (biology, botany, zoology, physics, chemistry, geography). No subject is taught in isolation. In the Montessori school curriculum, the subjects overlap and interact.
The material for preschool children is an example of realizing the principle of small, systematically consecutive learning steps. In addition, the principle of the spiral arrangement of the subject matter is used here. This means that a child encounters the same term multiple times, but at each subsequent meeting the term is included in the exercise in a new context and its other features are shown. It is currently the sole manufacturer of Nienhuis in the Netherlands.
Every parent has the opportunity to attend a kindergarten with their child at any time. Common holiday celebrations, meetings with parents, trips and various programs are designed to promote family-school relationships. For newly admitted children, an adaptation procedure, non-violent habituation of the child to the school environment is introduced in agreement with their parents. Preparing for school is understood in the long term (not only before entering school), it is based on independence, creation of necessary social and social habits. The preparation for school cannot be done by the methods of the classical school, it is not focused only on the awareness of children.
The Montessori class provides the full Montessori Education program. It is specific in that it is carried out in a bilingual environment. Czech and English are equally used throughout the day. The child gets the highest quality language preparation in a completely natural and non-violent way without the need for learning and classical teaching. All educational instruction is based on the experience of sensory engagement, which has the greatest impact on the recording of information into memory and on the preservation of the knowledge already acquired.
A long-term study in language learning has shown that the human brain is able to capture two languages as easily as one. And there is no neurological burden. Recent researches on intelligence, creativity and understanding of ability, when comparing bilingual and monolingual children, point to clear learning advantages for bilingual children. Children who have been learning a second language in a pre-school for two hours in day a pre-school are equally good in the first language, but better in mathematics, after passing the tests in the comparison group.
Marie Montessori also explored how children “absorb” language without much effort, while adults have to work hard while studying. A child who is going through a sensitive period for learning human language absorbs language, its phonetic patterns, vocabulary and grammatical construction, without conscious effort. It is able to learn two or more languages without interference.
The requirement of successful physical development is ensured by sufficient movement. Movement exercises are subject to movement sensitivity. Their importance lies, inter alia, in helping to create a sense of perception of one’s own movement (kinesthetic perception), which is a prerequisite for self-confidence and preservation of movement experience
They can be divided into:
(a) exercise drawing ideas in daily life
b) exercise of stillness and silence
(c) gymnastic and rhythmic exercises
d) ellipse – concentration of attention, coordination of movements and balance
Healthy children support the offered activities and activities such as elements of yoga, relaxation techniques, twice a year children’s stay at school in nature, sports clubs, physical activities integrated into the normal day.
Our aim is to create a solid foundation for future satisfaction and success in the life of a child and later an adult. Initial success in both kindergartens and elementary schools is a certainty for developing a healthy self-confidence of the child. At the same time, healthy mental development strengthens the physical health of the individual.
Relaxation and movement moments, movement games, use of tools are daily included in the children’s program, appropriate handling of objects is developed and fine motor skills, ground squirrel exercises. Part of body well-being is favorable climate, frequent ventilation, hardening, acoustic well-being.
The whole approach to the child and his / her stay in kindergarten is based on respect for his / her personality, his / her individual abilities. All methods are based on positive feeling and experience. The teachers try to identify the possibilities and limits of individual children, offer them enough activities, promote self-confidence. Mental well-being is understood as part of health. Cheerful mood humor, good relationships between children and adults are important to prevent the feeling of stress from another environment.
teacher, branch manager, phone number: 777 650 958
I am a teacher in the class of 3-6 year olds, teaching is in English. I studied Psychology at the University of Sarajevo, where I met Montessori pedagogy. I completed a one-year Montessori training course. “The children insipulate me and we discover the world together.”
My name is Naomi Varmuza and I’m from Philippines. I’m hardworking, friendly, loving and open minded teacher who likes to deal with children from all walks of life. The reasons that inspire me to take this opportunity to work in the Montessori school because I’m here to help your child reach and develop their full potential as well as provides meaningful learning experience to work independently and allow the joy of self discovery.
I’m 60 years old. I am a mother of 2 children and a grandmother of 3 grandsons. In Russia, I graduated from the Higher Vocational School, “Pre-School Education”. I have been working in a kindergarten for 35 years. I have dedicated my whole life to children and the method of M. Montesori has inspired me very much by the simplicity of creating an inspiring and loving environment for the natural and joyful development of a child’s personality.
Children’s group operation: 7:00 – 17:00.
We accept children from 1.5 years.
I studied Social and Legal Management. I worked in a home for the disabled. I have courses “Nanny for Preschool Children” and “Continuing Diploma Course 0-3”. During my work with children I got acquainted with Montessori pedagogy, which motivates me to create a happy environment for our little friends. I finish Montessori 0-3.
čI graduated from the Business Academy and the Economic Lyceum. I speak English, Spanish and Polish. I have a Montessori course for children from 0 to 3 years old, a nanny for children until compulsory schooling and a social services worker. I worked in private Czech-English kindergartens, with handicapped children as a nanny and head of the camp.
price for child – 5.500,- CZK/měs
registration fee – 2.000,- CZK
The school is contractual, the nursery school can, based on its decision, determine whether it is school, when the amount of the monthly tuition fee will be determined by mutual agreement upon the admission of the child.
Board: 78, – CZK / day (the price includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and all-day drinking regime)
Food provider FA CHP boarding, will increase J. Babák 11. School boarding provides full board according to the principles of healthy nutrition. You have the opportunity to participate in the creation of the menu.According to a special diet it is possible to individually adjust the menu.
Parents who take the decision to accept a child in pre-school education pay a registration fee of CZK 2,000
RECEIVING ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION SHALL BE RECEIVED BY EMAIL WITHIN 3 DAYS. If you do not receive this notification, please fill in the registration again, contact the school by phone.
Brno – Královo pole