
Organization of the day

7:00 – 9:00 free play, individual activities, preparation for school (worksheets), individual work, work with Montessori material, art activities, work on ellipse.
9:00 – 9:30 progressive snacks
9:30 – 10:00

10:00 – 12:00

finishing work in progress, cleaning up activities, community circle

outdoor stay (walking around, stay in the garden)

12:00 – 12:15 lunch
12:15 – 12:45 preparation for sleep, rest
12:45 – 13:00 sleep, rest – children are not forced to sleep, but as part of a healthy development and necessary cleaning rest on a deck chair, the individual need for sleep and rest for individual children is respected
14:00 – 14:30 bedding cleaning, hygiene, afternoon snack
14:00 – 16:30 recurring moments, free activities and children’s games, hobby groups, individual activities, going home


The current offer of leisure activities is always presented to parents in September, when they can optionally register their child in one of the interest groups at their discretion. Below are the circles that the school will offer. Rings take place while the child is in school to enrich them and make their time more enjoyable. rings are not included in the tuition fee, they are paid separately. Prices range from 1,200 – 1,980 CZK / year (October – June).

English Beginners and Advances

Each lesson lasts one hour, during which we sing two welcoming songs at the beginning and regularly keep the same poem Good morning. We will repeat the substance from the last lesson, be it a poem or new words. During the lesson we alternate activities according to the needs of children. When I see the new stuff tired, or when we sit for a long time we play movement games or dance to a song. If, on the other hand, children need to calm down, we sit at the table, paint pictures on the topic or play a memory game. We learn the new substance in three phases. At first, children get to know the word or phrase by means of a demonstration (picture, aid), in the second phase the children fix the word with games (put the green ball in the box) and in the third phase they are able to tell themselves what the word means use.


Cooking is a sensation. Cooking arises from ordinary things, things extraordinarily good. How to, but learn to cook? We can watch TV, where it cooks quite often and it always looks quite easy. Above all, we should watch Mom or Dad deal with a spaghetti pot, or Grandma how skillfully roll the dough. And we do it with our own hands. This is the best and it is also strange that if we do something ourselves, we usually like it more. Throughout the year we will be cooking seasonal foods. Children will be acquainted with less known ingredients. Today we have a lot of smart machines in the kitchen. We will learn to use a toaster, blender, juicer, oven, noodle machine and more. When preparing recipes, we will practice grating, slicing, sifting and measuring food with children. Children will also make their own recipe book within the group, which they will take home at the end of the school year.

Music ring and flute

The aim of the music club is to develop a musical feeling in the child, a sense of rhythm, to support proper breathing, to get acquainted with the basic music theory. In the circle we will be devoted to singing and listening to songs. In playing Orff’s instrumentation, clapping rhythms and movement exercises, we will learn rhythm, which is important not only for speech development. This year, the recorder will be taught within the club, which will develop proper breathing together with breathing exercises. In music theory, we will talk about instruments, some of them, and talk about writing a melody.

MIŠPULÍN – pre-school preparation

The aim of the group is to prepare children for primary school in all areas needed for children of this age. Circle content: – graphomotor exercises and relaxation preparatory exercises – training of correct holding of writing tools – development of gross and fine motor skills – development of visual, auditory perception, differentiation, analysis and synthesis – body perception and orientation in space – figure and background recognition – development of communication skills.

Sports games ring

Preschoolers have a desire to move. Through movement, the young child begins to control not only himself but also the world around him, developing not only physically and locally, but also mentally and socially. Movement is the most important means of developing the whole personality at an early age, it is important for the development of thinking and creativity.

Art circle and ceramics

Children are introduced to more demanding techniques of art work and various non-traditional materials. These activities are very suitable for developing concentration, imagination, creativity and preparation for school.

Speech therapy prevention ring

Speech therapy prevention deals with the individual needs of children in the area of speech disorders, correct voice-making and general warming up of speech. The basis of work in the area of speech therapy prevention is systematic work with children in the field of grammar gymnastics, articulation, speech exercises, practicing problematic sounds using poems and rhymes and graphomotorics. It is also important to focus on overall coordination of gross and fine motor skills. Part of this is counseling and consultation with parents, their cooperation and subsequent exercises with children at home.

Year-round activities

  • Theatricals
  • Kite flying
  • Celebration of autumn
  • St. Martin
  • Mikulášská nadílka
  • Vánoční besídka, Vánoční dílničky a posezení s rodiči
  • Maškarní karneval
  • Velikonoční oslavy, Velikonoční dílničky pro rodiče a děti
  • Pálení čarodějnic
  • Hledání pokladu – cesta pohádkovým lesem
  • Vítání jara
  • Besídka ke Dni matek, posezení s rodiči
  • Den dětí
  • Školy v přírodě
  • Různé výlety, ZOO,…
  • Rozloučení s předškoláky
  • Spaní předškoláků v MŠ
  • a další
Evropská unie
Evropská unie Evropská unie